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Reminiscing about growing older with interschools

 Reminiscing about growing older with interschools

By Chané van Zyl

As I sit here, in the final stretch of my high school journey, I can't help but reminisce about the incredible experiences I've had, especially one that stands out as a highlight for every student - Interschools! From the nervous excitement of my Grade 8 year to the confident enthusiasm of my matric year, the journey has been nothing short of exhilarating. So, join me as I take you on a rollercoaster ride through my Interschools adventures, and how they've shaped my high school experience.

Grade 8: The Wide-eyed Newcomer

Ah, Grade 8 - a time of wide-eyed wonder and discovering the wonders of high school. Interschools sounded like a grand affair, but to be honest, I had no clue what I was getting into. The seniors were pumped up, the school spirit was contagious, but I couldn't help but feel like a small fish in a vast ocean of energy.

Matric: The Unstoppable Powerhouse

Fast forward to my matric year, and boy, how things have changed! I no longer feel like that timid ‘groentjie’; instead, I'm a seasoned Interschools expert, ready to give it my all. The weeks leading up to the event were a mix of nostalgia and anticipation. I realised that this would be the last time I would cheer in the crowd at Interschools as a high school student, and I was determined to make it count.

As I prepare to say ‘au revoir’ / ‘so long’ to high school, I can't help but be grateful for the amazing Interschools memories I've collected along the way. This event taught me valuable life lessons beyond the thrill of competition. I learned the power of perseverance, the joy of supporting others, and the strength of unity. It is all about celebrating unity! Whether we stand on the podium or on the field, we’re all part of a community that lifts each other up.

To all my fellow students, especially those experiencing Interschools for the first time, I say this: Embrace every moment, for these are the memories that will stay with you forever. Whether you're a ‘groentjie’ or a seasoned senior, Interschools will always have something special to offer. 

Excitement is building up inside me, I can already visualise myself proudly parading/wearing my green and white old girls' scarf as I stand next to the field during next year's Interschools event. Here's to new adventures and cherishing the old ones!

Anything for the jade, blue and white!


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